Joseph Capdepon II

Sins of the Author

As a Reader, there are certain sins that an Author can commit to ensure that I will stop reading them, and that ensures I will most likely never buy a book from them again, or I will be very skeptical of any future release by them. The first and ultimate sin that an Author can […]

Coherence or Are They Really Your Friends?

I was scrolling through the list of movies on Amazon Prime, looking for something interesting to watch and I came across this movie called Coherence. I read the description and decided that I would give it a try. It is not a long movie, and just maybe it might actually be worth the ninety minutes […]

I Challenge You to Read

I challenge you to read whatever you wish, without considering the race, gender or sexual orientation of the author. I face a conundrum in my life. There are so many great novels out there and I have only so much time to read for pleasure. See, currently I am enrolled in college, pursuing an engineering […]