Congratulations to the winner

The Hugo awards for 2015 are over. The clear winner is Vox “Machiavelli” Day. He pretty much got everything he wanted. He wanted Three Body Problem to win and it did. He wanted the Hugos to No Award everything and it mostly did. He wanted to help the SJWs in general and the powers behind the World Science Fiction Convention to look like screaming idiots and it happened. And he was given so much help that a casual observer has to wonder how many of the people he was destroying were secretly his minions.

Before I go into how thoroughly he won I would like to offer condolences to Laura Mixon, Guardians Of The Galaxy and the others who lost because of his machinations. Yes I said lost. You see, they will be forever tainted by the actions of the body bestowing the award. They will be the winners of the Year of the Asterisk. For those who don’t know it, a vanishingly small body by now, the asterisk is both a sign that they weren’t real winners and a symbol known in SF circles to represent the common asshole. The work they did was certainly deserving of being on the ballot, the way they won will forever brand them as not good enough to win honestly. And the fault lies not with them.  The fault lies in the machinations of a clique of mostly old, mostly white, mostly male morons who could not stand the idea that they were not the all powerful force they thought they were. Well, them and Vox Day.

I said before the awards that the winners would crow and the losers would claim cheating, I was wrong. Yes the SJW/ Torling cabal crowed, yes some of the Puppies feel there was cheating. The real winner though has been mostly silent. Vox is looking in other directions until next year when I am sure he will continue his destruction of Old Guard Progressive Fandom.

I have to admire Vox for his adroit handling of this situation. Lets take the block voting in rigid lockstep that went for No Award in numbers almost solidly of 2500 votes. The difference between 2500 and the actual numbers is quibbling. Anyone trying to pretend it wasn’t a lockstep following of Der Fuhrer is either delusional or lying. This is actually the part I admire the most. You see there were rumors that the last couple of thousand voting registrations were bought to lock in this result. I can believe that as readily as I can believe the old guard actually has 2500 members. Now most of the rumors have GRRM and Johnny Scalzi purchasing them. It isn’t impossible. Certainly after the  ludicrously large contract Tor gifted him with this year Scalzi could afford it. And no doubt he owes them. Thing is, Vox could probably afford them too. And I can easily see him watching the numbers, knowing The Puppy vote would be an honest choosing of what they thought worthy, which means a split vote, and calculating that 2000 or so votes, added to the screamers of “I’m not gonna read it I’m voting Noah Ward”  would ensure his victory.  The truth is that we will probably never know.

And while everyone watching the Sunday business meeting Saw a couple of hundred show up to vote in the Tor E Pluribus Hugo and then leave. We’ll never know whether it was Tor employees or Vox employees. Who knows, it is possible they were even honest SJWs wanting to ensure their precious, I certainly wouldn’t bet against Vox

Perhaps his greatest accomplishment, in my honest opinion, was influencing the pre award festivities. After all you wouldn’t expect the Secret Masters Of Fandom to countenance a panel on the Sad Puppies which consisted only of avowed enemies of them without a single token Puppy on it. Well, not unless, as opposed to what they have been claiming for years, the SMOFs really are Cliquish Holier-than-thou Reactionary Fanatics. Nah couldn’t be. Vox obviously mind controlled them.

Another feather in his cap must be the wooden assholes they presented people. How he got them to be so blatant about how they felt is beyond me. He is truly a mastermind. His home in Italy must be hidden in a volcano!

Here I must admit there was one other winner on a small scale. Toni Weisskopf, upon seeing the wooden assholes, stood up and left with her head held high. She, along with Tony Daniel who left with her, showed professionalism and class.  Some of the other publishers and editors should have watched her. They might, if they watch her long enough, and try hard enough, become professionals too. Nah, I don’t have enough Pollyanna in me to believe that either.

Then Vox got them to use a Dalek as a presenter. Sadly, despite the many years Dr. Who has been winning Hugos none of them realized that it was an agent of evil. Such inability to sense cultural mores was astounding. The cool factor of a Dalek was supposed to outweigh the evil it represents? Yep, Vox was on his game.

You know I could write another thousand words extolling Vox’s magnificent control of the situation, from getting the  SJWs to behave offensively to someone’s religion and culture to claiming the death of the Puppies. but I won’t.

You have seen the evidence of his majesty here, if you believe he was responsible for all this. I look at it and am sure the SJWs will claim this is all true. Despite their screaming orders for Noah Ward before the ceremonies they are all backpedaling and claiming that none of them were mindless lockstep zombies. So I am sure they will soon believe everything i said was true because VOOOOOXXXX DAAAYYY!!!

24 comments on “Congratulations to the winner

  1. They must’ve been at least sure enough that best novel would not be nuked. Just imagine, an astronaut IN SPACE opening an envelope and announcing No Award. If Vox was behind the Dalek, he also managed to prove that “fandom” has no idea how to properly mix and adjust audio.

    I kinda feel bad for Julie Dillon. Her win was one of the few categories that I was happy with the results, because I genuinely thought her stuff was beautiful. But these folks were HER crowd, and now she’s got an asterisk by her award. Like “Look, we’re going to let you have this, but don’t forget that this was tainted and we were doing you a huge favor to let you have anything at all.”

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Um, Vox didn’t vote for 3BP…he liked it but didn’t read it til past the nominations. And di you bother to investigate the leaders the past few years of SP? You claim is absolutely ridiculous. The backers of SP were different races, sexes, orientations, etc. Apparently you are taking your talking points from David Gerrold and the folks from Tor. Pity. You are a decent writer, but you are a terrible researcher. And you need to see who is heading up SP for next year. The change in leaders this year was due to the fact that the lady heading is was taken ill, required surgery and recovery period. BTW…she’s not a white male either. She is female and, according to her, beige. So is Larry Correia…his dad is Portuguese and Sarah Hoyt is a Portuguese immigrant. NEITHER self-identify as white, which is apparently what is important.


    • please reread this remembering the concepts of sarcasm and satire

      Liked by 2 people

      • I believe I have run into Miss Susan on another board. She is supercilious and seems to believe science fiction should only be read if it says something and not for pleasure. Of course I am absolutely positive she is correct and I am wrong….but then I could be wrong about that too.
        I really liked your blog. Well thought out and truthful.


    • Vox didn’t nominate 3BP. However, it was on his list of what he was going to vote for. Go look at his website. He said he was going to vote for it, was sorry he hadn’t nominated it (because he read it too late), and from what I gather, all of his minions voted for it as well.


  3. Have you read any of Vox Day’s convoluted plots? You ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.


  4. I think the No Award votes would not have been horrible if they had been greeeted with murmurs or silence. And if the CHORFhole had not been handed out. The cheering and the CHORFhole both broadcast very loud, very specific messages; messages which the 2,500 individuals who chose NO AWARD may regret in time.

    Otherwise, I agree: they gave Theodore Beale everything he wanted out of them.

    I said it over and over and over: the way you deal with a shock jock — with a big ego — is you ignore him. You don’t let him push your buttons. You don’t let him affect your decisions, one way or the other. You proceed as if he’s not part of your plan.

    This is like Lord Foul the Despiser, and Kevin Landwaster; from the Thomas Covenant Chronicales. Kevin wants to save The Land, so he basically challenges Lord Foul to join with him in the Ritual of Desecration — thinking this will destroy The Land temporarily, but Lord Foul will be gone permanently. In the end, Kevin is betrayed by his own hubris in the matter. The Land is destroyed, yes, and Kevin with it — but Lord Foul is not. Lord Foul gets precisely what he wants from Kevin, and Kevin and The Land both pay the price.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. The no award would not have been horrible had it not been a mindless lock step decision to other those who would not follow the party line. Had a couple of thousand people honettly thought the works/people were not worthy it would have been fine. Asit was, had a couple of thousand voter been capable of thought…


  6. Don’t forget making the guy who effectively runs Tor curse out one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet while her husband was out of earshot, burning the last bridge Tor had to one of the Grandmasters of Sci-Fi.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. A worthy successor to Jonathan Switft

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Satire or not (well done too btw) Vox did call his shot. He was saying months ago he preferred “the nuclear option,” and then said he would play it straight and predicted the CHORFs would nuke it for him.

    I am still amazed that a group of people would go forward with exactly the course of action their sworn enemy stated publicly he wished they would take. It’s almost like a reverse Brer Rabbit/briar patch thing, like they thought he was just saying that. He wasn’t.

    Anyhow, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Hopefully this year marked the nadir and things can start to get better now. Not that I am holding out hope, i figure next year will be the real shit show before positive movement happens.


  9. At least two years, unless MacMillan Publishing begins to think as a business


  10. Maybe it’s time for a sci-fi schism. May I suggest the Sad Puppy Awards? With separate-but-equal categories for Sci-fi, SyFy, and Sci-Phi?


  11. […] someone who did manage to do that, here’s a recap from one of our other bloggers:  https://otherwheregazette.wordpress.com/2015/08/27/congratulations-to-the-winner/ just to catch you up on what I’m babbling about.  Suffice it to say that we’re not the […]


  12. I’m one of the new people who signed up first as a supporting member, then an attending member, and for the record:

    * I read -everything.- With the exception of some of ‘Wisdom from My Internet,- because my eyes started melting out of boredom. ‘Totaled’ was a very good story; I placed it first, above No Award. ‘Day the World Turned Upside Down,’ a non-Puppy entry, was not, and it went below.

    * The result of 3 Body Problem being slated would have probably been similar to Guardians of the Galaxy, particularly since the author could clearly have no way of being a puppy and the translator was the guy who wrote “The Water Who Falls On You From Nowhere”; I suspect it would’ve won anyway. In any event, it’s an awesome book and I’m glad it won.

    * The whole ‘Vox -wanted- to vote for 3BP illustrates one of the hidden problems of slates; leaving it up to one person to coordinate multiple ballots means that if that one person hasn’t had time to read something, good work gets buried.

    * Cheering the no-awards was tacky. I didn’t do it. Lots of people didn’t. I hope to see Kary English on the ballot again, and I suspect she will be (also Sheila Gilbert, also Resnick, though he’s already got 9, also Jennifer Broszek, among others). But there is a lesson here: don’t be jerks. Worldcon this year gave the opening speech to Robert Silverberg, a conservative, and Mike Resnick was received warmly (a conservative who’s won more Hugos than anybody.)

    *I think you may have thought there was a silent conservative majority. A lot of people going into this did. And you’re now trying to process the fact that there are huge numbers of people who are probably not conservative, and who really don’t like slating. I’m not sure why you think, with no evidence, that either George R. R. Martin or John Scalzi bought thousands of supporting memberships. (GRRM wouldn’t have been so worried about the results if that were the case, and the editors category would not have been No Awarded.) People got angry over what was, at best, an ethically dubious rules exploit, and signed up to express their displeasure.

    * I also went to multiple business meetings, including the one to vote for EPH. I left shortly afterwards because I was meeting a friend for lunch. I do not work for Tor.

    * Vox did not come up in conversation very much at Worldcon. *I* follow Vox and read his blog, but lots of people don’t care–particularly the international folk–they just don’t want poor quality stuff on their ballots. The conversation was where to find the best parties, e-publishing, what are you reading, which panels are you going to.

    * There’s one way in which Vox -definitely- won: he got lots of younger liberal people like me to sign up, he alerted the old guard at Worldcon to a severe security flaw in the nominations such that a fix is on the ballot for 2016, and he undermined the Sad Puppies. Vox is a smart guy. All these are victory conditions if Vox was secretly an SJW all along…

    * I can’t help but wonder if the reason some puppies are angry is because lots of people had fun at Worldcon anyway. It’s like ‘well, if they’re not gonna vote for us, they damn well better be unhappy!’ And… it didn’t work. Grinch stole Christmas, and all that.


    • 1 “* I read -everything.- With the exception of some of ‘Wisdom from My Internet,- because my eyes started melting out of boredom. ‘Totaled’ was a very good story; I placed it first, above No Award. ‘Day the World Turned Upside Down,’ a non-Puppy entry, was not, and it went below. ” A lot of people are telling this lie now, along with denying the orders fro CHORF central to No Award everything Puppy

      2″* I read -everything.- With the exception of some of ‘Wisdom from My Internet,- because my eyes started melting out of boredom. ‘Totaled’ was a very good story; I placed it first, above No Award. ‘Day the World Turned Upside Down,’ a non-Puppy entry, was not, and it went below. ” Nope, it didn’t get No awarded because it wasn’t Puppy recommended

      3″ * The whole ‘Vox -wanted- to vote for 3BP illustrates one of the hidden problems of slates; leaving it up to one person to coordinate multiple ballots means that if that one person hasn’t had time to read something, good work gets buried.” while Vox had a slate the Sad Puppies took recommendations and made recommendations, and how is it any worse than Scalzi’s slates or the one from Locus,?

      4″Cheering the no-awards was tacky. I didn’t do it. Lots of people didn’t. I hope to see Kary English on the ballot again, and I suspect she will be (also Sheila Gilbert, also Resnick, though he’s already got 9, also Jennifer Broszek, among others). But there is a lesson here: don’t be jerks. Worldcon this year gave the opening speech to Robert Silverberg, a conservative, and Mike Resnick was received warmly (a conservative who’s won more Hugos than anybody.) ” You may not have cheered, the directive to not boo sort of made that moot. As far as being jerks goes? Who lied about the racial and gender composition of their opponents, calling them racists, sexists, Neo-Nazis, and a host of other things? Who awarded the Puppies Wooden assholes? You lose all credibility when trying to call the other side jerks.

      5″I think you may have thought there was a silent conservative majority. A lot of people going into this did. And you’re now trying to process the fact that there are huge numbers of people who are probably not conservative, and who really don’t like slating. I’m not sure why you think, with no evidence, that either George R. R. Martin or John Scalzi bought thousands of supporting memberships. (GRRM wouldn’t have been so worried about the results if that were the case, and the editors category would not have been No Awarded.) People got angry over what was, at best, an ethically dubious rules exploit, and signed up to express their displeasure. ” Note i said it was a rumor, and that Scalzi is on record for buying votes in previous runs, Note: I also said it was equally possible Vox did it. Since Scalzi has openly admitted to doing it previously i know which rumor is most likely

      6″* I also went to multiple business meetings, including the one to vote for EPH. I left shortly afterwards because I was meeting a friend for lunch. I do not work for Tor” Anecdote is not data. You may have been honest and not a Tor employee, The appearance, which is hard to prove or disprove, is that Tor bought its business meeting. Or that Vox did to ruin Tor, either way

      7″* Vox did not come up in conversation very much at Worldcon. *I* follow Vox and read his blog, but lots of people don’t care–particularly the international folk–they just don’t want poor quality stuff on their ballots. The conversation was where to find the best parties, e-publishing, what are you reading, which panels are you going to. ” a most people attending didn’t give a damn, as you well know. B why would they need to discuss him since naming the devil might summon him and they already fixed the ballots and the ceremony?

      8In conclusion you are participating in the backpedaling mentioned earlier.

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