Tag Archive | Larry Correia

The Puppies need to thank these recruiters

The Puppies need to thank these recruiters

The Sad Puppies really do need to thank some people who are not of their number. I’ve been watching this fiasco as someone who is in sympathy with the SP movement without being one myself. The truth for the rank and file SP members is basically that they were informed that they could vote on […]

Ask A Geek Anything, Issue Seven

Ask A Geek Anything, Issue Seven

Good afternoon, and welcome to Ask a Geek Anything. Lucky number seven is an explosive issue!  Here we answer all those questions to avoid getting woodchipped in Wisconsin. Today, we bring in a super nerdy special guest with plenty of comic book experience: Declan Finn. The question comes to us  from Ida Nno: Who would win […]

Hoisting the Black Flag

“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” ― H.L. Mencken As a journalist I have long been appalled at the state of the industry and particularly what passes for “journalism” within the entertainment industry and gaming. As we found out with […]

A Declaration of Purpose

A Declaration of Purpose

We hold these truths to be self-evident: Humanity is worth saving. One planet is not enough for humans.  Experiments and efforts to reach space are not a waste of money, but useful for life on earth, and reaching beyond it. The government is incapable of reaching out to the stars, private endeavors will be the […]